It’s been a while since I use uMake and happy with the 2.6.1 update.
I tried the ‘For You’ tab, but it only appear a message box at the top telling me what it is without any content. Is this a ‘living’ section which automatically will grow and bigger while I use uMake?
On the topic (I don’t know if this already exist in ‘For You’ tab), but it would be great to have section of showcases/portfolio/demo from other uMake users which can be posted and shared with others. At very least, it shows what uMake can do. But it will also a great medium to learn from others (share tips) and eventually build a community.
Yes, you’re right. The “For You” tab will feature work made by uMake users, tips and more in the coming days and weeks. We’re working on new content right now and think you’ll like it.
It’s been a long while since I used uMake as well. I remember that there was a social feature where you could share your creations with the community. I was actually really looking forward to this part.
What happened to it?