Issues with re-arranging layers

Hi guys, I’ve also sent you a bug re-out from within the app.
Please checkout my video

Essentially experiencing some weird UI glitches when re-arranging the layers
Notice how the layer Height becomes shorter after rearranging
Also after moving the layer, of I select another layer notice how the layers re-arrange themselves
Additionally when using the menu on a thin height layer, of I layer it ends up deleting the above layer

Thanks for letting us know, @Dip_designs! We fixed these bugs and will include them in our upcoming hot fix update.

Thanks again!


I have also had a problem with rearranging layers. I moved a middle layer to the bottom of the layer list and then deleted it and am now left with unselectable objects which don’t seem to belong to any of the remaining layers. This is using version 1.9 but the original layers and items were created using the educational version 1.5.2 so maybe this has caused a problem?

Ok, it seems the “rogue” objects have been assigned to the default layer so I can select and delete/assign them from there but I am also experiencing the strange behavior where the current layer menu (of the layer which was just moved) is actually linked to the layer above.

Hi @cs0amc can you post here or send us to “[email protected]” a screenshot of what exactly happened?

We fixed a few bugs around layers and groups and hope to release it this weekend.


Thanks @evi for the update - eagerly awaiting the update!

Hi @Dip_designs, hope you’re doing well!

Just wanted to let you know that yesterday we released a new update with bug and crash fixes.

Please check it out when you can and let me know if any of these issues occur to you.

Thank you,

Hi @Evi. Have installed the latest update and no longer having the layer issues!

Thanks for the fix…

PS. Love the way you guys have refocused umake. I finally feel like I can fit it into my workflow - will look into subscribing.

However were you guys considering bringing back ‘sketch on surface’? Or maybe have a command to create a curve from 2 (2d) curves?

Thanks, @Dip_designs! Great to hear that and thank you for the kind words!

Yes, we do want to bring it back - currently, we’re focusing our efforts on some major core engine changes, but that feature is at top of our list!

As of 03-02-2020 it is still not available? I get a notification: “select sketch on surface” but I cannot find the tool

Hi @4DXP ! Yes, Sketch on Surface exists for both flat and non-flat surfaces. Double tap on the Surface and then select “Sketch on Surface”, then sketch on the surface either in perspective of from a default view.

Let me know if it helps.


Wow your solution is so powerful. I am starting to learn it for creating printable eyewear which I now do with Solidworks and mesh morphers. Draw on surface is great for decorating.

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Thanks for letting us know! We will improve it even more in the next couple of months :slight_smile:
