Follow me feature

Is a follow me feature available similar to what sketchup has? I am trying to draw cabinetry with crown molding that needs to be on multiple edges.

Hi @Jhawkster,

Thank you for writing to us!

The closest thing to SketchUp’s “Follow Me” feature in uMake is “Extrude Along Path”:

Let me know if this helps.


Hi Evi,

The link says Extrude along path but when you press it the video is showing the orbit feature. This is what I am looking for:

I use Sketchup to draw some of these custom kitchen hoods but don’t like that they do not have a mobile option. I am considering paying for your yearly service if this is a possible option.

Try this link:

As for the example you sent, yes, it’s definitely something you can create in uMake.
