Flipped Left & Right View

Dear Team,

First, I have updated the app to 2.5.3 and unfortunately it still crash at any point.

During my tutorial for shipping container home part 2, when I move an object (while the pop in tutorial window appear), it is somehow crash.

Second, it seems that the view orientation of ‘left view’ and ‘right view’ is flipped.

I believe the house with window is the front face? So when we rotate it to view it from the right (right view), we have the 2nd story container pointing to the left. However when I choose the ‘right view’, the 2nd story container is pointing to the right (the left view of the house). And when I choose the ‘left view’, the 2nd story container is pointing to the left view (right view of the house).

Is the view orientation to the object? Or is it for the viewer? In 3D navigation tutorial, I think it oriented for the viewer.


Hi @Aldhis,

As for the tutorial - does it always happen? I tried reproducing the crash, but I can play the video while moving objects. Can you please describe exactly how does it crash and if it reproduces every time?

As for views - I’ll take a look at it.


Dear Evi,

It’s amazing how you can instantly respond to my post.

A bit correction to my last sentence previous post, the view should be oriented from the object instead the viewer as per tutorial video, hence on my shipping container house, it’s being flipped.

For the crash, it is random :frowning:. It also happen when the video not in the pop-in window, but when I move the roof to the left.
I just un-install the app and re-install it. Hopefully don’t find the crash again. It works with 2.5.1 version. It seems that we have to un-install first before updating to the next version. If we not un-install the prev version (direct update), it crashed.



I’m just a robot :robot: this is why I answer fast (just kidding) :slight_smile:

As for the crash - I think it’s probably a crash related to the object itself. If you can send your device logs from “Account” >> Support >> Contact Us, we could see how this crash happens.

As for the views - is the confusion because of the video tutorial?

By the way, there’s no need to un-install and re-install the app. Only in version 2.5 there was an issue that created some internal conflicts, but that won’t happen again in the future.

Hi Evi,

The crash just happened again. This time when I choose the color for the door.
Will send you the device log.

As for the confusion, it’s not because of the 3D navigation tutorial. The glasses represent the object, right? As you can see in my screenshot, the ‘left view’ is not consistent with the house.


The device log has also been sent.

@Aldhis Thanks!