Exporting materials as a group

Hi, I’m really enjoying the functionality of this app. It’s perfect for what I need. The only issue I’m having is UV editing and material exporting. I have tried all formats. Obj, step ect…. When I open the file in my game engine or blender. It has 800+ materials instead of the 4 textures I actually use. Why would it not create a material file for each image instead of each surface? It makes it so tiresome to have to UV edit in blender and work with 800+ materials. Is this something that is being worked on?

Hi @Nick_Pitt_Roche ,

Hope all is well and thank you for the feedback.

Let me check this one and see if we can improve the export functionality for OBJ file format. When exporting we’re also compress the textures, so this could be released to why you’re seeing so many materials, but hopefully we can resolve this issue.


Thank you for the response. I love the app other than materials. I hope it can get sorted. :+1:t2:

Thanks! We looked into the issue. As it’s not an easy fix, we can offer a workaround until a permanent solution will be available:

Group all surfaces that will use the same material and then apply the material. This will result in a single texture/material in the exported OBJ.

  • You don’t have to group and then apply, you can also group surfaces with the same texture, and it will be considered as a single material.

It might not be a perfect solution, but at least one that should work now until we improve a few things around OBJ export.

Let me know if it works for you.
