Basic problem -New to umake

I am new umake and I am currently working through the one-day course on designing the kettle. This starts with drawing a circle and intersecting rectangle then deleting a few lines and extruding in the resultant surface vertically. Everything works fine except when I extrude I get a couple of lines down the side of the resultant solid which are not related to the intersecting rectangle. These lines do not appear in the tutorial video, and cannot appear as they preclude a subsequent step. I have repeated this part of the exercise many times and cannot avoid these lines. If I extruded circle alone before adding the rectangle, it is fine but every time I have the rectangle and delete the unnecessary lines these “extra“ lines appear. Is this a bug?
Thanks Murray

Hi Murray,

You’re right - when we created this tutorial we didn’t have a few other tools that since then we are added. In the process of adding these feature, we also made some core changes to the drawing engine.

These extra lines should exist/happen, but you can still select all lines to eventually extrude all of them to create the cap.

Simply select each line that form that circle and then tap on “Extrude”.

Let me know if this helps.


Hi Evi
Thanks very much for the response. I did notice that these lessons were described as “legacy“ so I expected that there could be issues like this. I did try to extrude the top by selecting all of the elements required, however it again behaves differently to the video. In the video the selected segment of the top circle moves independently of the spout section with vertical lines connecting the two. When I do the same thing I get triangles connecting the extruded portion to the tip of the spout, is this just the way the new version works?
I’m struggling to understand the logic whereby the extra vertical lines are created when you extrude, these appear to be not strictly necessary,

Thanks again


Right, you don’t really need these lines and can delete them, if you want to create a smooth surface with no lines.

The reason these lines appear now is that we changed a few things in the core engine of uMake to support other more advanced scenarios.

Here’s a quick video I’ve made to demonstrate what happens if you delete these lines and how to create a new surface with no lines:

Let me know if this helps.


Thanks Evi that was very helpful. When creating a surface by extrude the newer versions of Umake subdivide the cylinder with “extra” lines. Your workaround allows these to be removed. However presumably the programmers added these lines for a reason. Is it possible that if we were doing more complex operations on the cylinder the line removal could create a problem?
Maybe I’m just looking for problems, by my experience has taught me that if you don’t use software with respect for the fundamentals of how it works it can lead to trouble…
Thanks again

Hi @Murray,

Sure! Because uMake supports more organic curves (knows as NURBS), it created many scenarios where more complex shapes can be created. With the previous method, the push & pull command was limited to more simplified shapes, and with the new one it can support those complex curves. The tradeoff is of course more curves added to some of the simple shapes, such as this tube for example.

When you remove the curves and build a new one manually, you’re not creating any issues/problems with the model. You create a surface in a different method which compliments that type of shape and lets you be more in control no the way things look.

Let me know if this answers your question.
